My Memorable Study Abroad Experience at KICL in Kyoto



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Studying abroad at KICL in Kyoto is an incredible opportunity for students to experience a new culture, learn a new language, and gain valuable experience living abroad. With its rich history, beautiful temples, and traditional architecture, Kyoto is an amazing city to live in. 

You should only consider studying at KICL if you are fully committed to learning Japanese. The curriculum is very fast paced and challenging. The school expects you to do a lot of homework and studying outside of the classroom. 

The teachers are very professional and skilled at their jobs. I could tell that they are very experienced and the classroom environment is very supportive. One thing you should be aware of- English is not spoken in the classroom and actually my teachers did not speak English at all. I joined the most basic beginner class, and my Japanese level was very elementary when school first started. Even though it was challenging, I was able to follow along without problems and felt like I was able to understand all of the material. By the end of the course, I felt comfortable performing basic tasks in my everyday Japanese life, and could carry basic level conversations with Japanese people.

If you are a beginner like me, I would highly recommend learning Hiragana and Katakana before you arrive. I would also strongly recommend learning some basic verbs, nouns, and numbers. The school uses the Mina No Nihongo textbook, so if you can purchase that beforehand and review the vocabulary you will be in good shape. As I mentioned earlier, the class is very fast paced and you will need to learn a lot of new vocabulary every day.

The student life is also really great at KICL. I quickly made a lot of friends with my classmates. The school is located on the campus of the Kyoto University of the Arts, which is one of the leading art schools in Kyoto. This gives you the opportunity to interact with a lot of Japanese students, and also international students who are studying at the Art University. You are also allowed to join the same university clubs that the KUA students are members of. I joined the basketball club and ski club, and was able to make a lot of friends this way.

As an American student studying Japanese language in Kyoto, I have had the opportunity to experience the city firsthand and learn about its unique culture and customs.  Kyoto is a city steeped in tradition and culture, and studying abroad here gives students the chance to immerse themselves in this rich heritage. Living in Japan might be a culture shock for many Western students, but I found the experience to be incredibly rewarding. From trying new foods to navigating the public transportation system, every day brought new challenges and adventures. The people of Kyoto were friendly and welcoming, and I always felt safe and secure during my time in the city.

I highly recommend KICL for any serious student who is considering studying abroad in Japan.




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