Another week, another mobile accessory


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Actually i got this "dangler" today in class from a classmate who didn't want it, I just didn't know what title to use...

The midterm tests are over and 5 tests later, the results were actually a bit surprising. I did better on Kanji (chinese characters) than i thought I would but slightly worse on grammar than i thought. All in all good scores though with an avarage around 70-75% and tomorrow (yes on a saturday) awaits a JLPT N3 training test. 

After big tests like this it is always nice with some days without homework so I took an exploration ride to the very outskirts of kyoto where the sidewalks are overgrown with bushes, and there isn't a 7/11 as far as the eye can see. I unfortunatly forgot my camera, however from that 1 hour ride I decided to one day take a bike ride all the way to Ohara (40km (26miles)).

Starting next week, the classes have been changed so I will get new class mates. A bit annoying when you're already used to the current one but it'll be a good change as half the terms gone by.

Of course there are still many activities that KICL encourages all students to participate in. There is always chances to meet new people from the rest of the school that you don't meet very often.

besides these boards in the classrooms there is a big one in the lobby where even uni. students put up events for us language students to join.
There is new experiences around every corner!




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