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Hey everyone!

Last Wednesday we had "Culture Day"! Instead of classes, we all got to choose a culture-related activity to participate in. For my part, I decided to make wagashi (和菓子), which are sweet Japanese confections! I met my classmates at a (apparently well-known) wagashi shop in Sanjo called Kameya Yoshinaga. There, we were instructed by a very sweet, good-humored wagashi-making master! Everyone was given their own materials to work with, and we all went through the steps together. We each got to make four wagashi - two in the shape of a sakura flower, and two in the shape of... well, I'm not really sure to be honest, but it looked kind of like a green peach? (Haha.) Anyway, here are some photos, so you can decide on your own what it is. :)

This is the first time I've made wagashi, so please don't judge my crude little sweets too harshly! (笑)

Because they're so sweet, they're usually eaten with (green) tea. We were also told that the shapes of the wagashi are generally based on nature, and relate to the seasons. My favorite season is Autumn... I would love to see some Autumn leaf wagashi when that time of year comes around here.

In the little wagashi kitchen where we were instructed, we were served green tea and some delicious little dango that they'd made there. I'm not sure what the flavor was - it was subtly flavored and unique without being overly sweet. The wagashi we made all had anko inside - we used both the red and white varieties. Yummy!

If you haven't had wagashi yet, please try some! They're best with hot green tea to counter the sweetness.





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