Weekly writer


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My name is Kim. i am 22 y/o swedish guy who will write a weekly (fridays) blog about what it is like being a student at KICL and living in Japan. Although i am Swedish I will write this blog in English. It's for those I know who doesn't speak Swedish.

It has only been slightly over 2 months so far but it feels like 6 months. Especially now when the midterm tests are coming this Monday and Tuesday (June 10-11).
As they are very important tests (40%) I'll keep it short this time...

One day the school had some KUAD (Kyoto University of Art and Design) students came to visit us for a project they were doing about different nationalities (I think).

They asked some questions and took some pictures. I taught them the swedish word for "stupid brat" (Fjortis)...

KICL can join university events, projects and clubs. Personally i have joined the big haunted house project where we will turn a school building into a haunted house and the Shamisen club.

The shamisen club mainly consists of girls from the university and then me along with two other KICL students. To even hit the strings correctly with the spatula looking thing is very hard, but being in the club is alot of fun. Once the midterms are over I am going to join the "anime, game and manga club" as well.

Apart from the university, KICL offers you extra classes that gives you insight in the Japanese culture.
Being a complete beginner at Kanji (Chinese Characters) i took the Calligraphy class.

The Calligraphy Class is recommended to take if you need some extra kanji training.

Of course, they are not obligatory and you can choose to not take any of them. In which case you'll only have the regular morning classes and the special afternoon classes in tuesdays and thursdays.

Normal classes can be quite fun as well. For example, making us do charades and act out something the rest have to figure out in japanese.

It can become quite crazy and loud sometimes, but it's a nice change against just sitting at your desk.
Aside from charades, the special Tuesday afternoon class is having us make a short movie all in japanese.
Being the writer I get alot of extra training in how to write japanese on a computer.

And, that's about it for this week...
In the future i may write this blog in English, Swedish and Japanese...
Don't forget to check back next friday!




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